14 April 2006

mad insomnia

Well, folks. I'm up at 4:19 a.m. for no good reason, and I've been up for two hours. Odd, because I have the comfiest darned bed ever. I am dehydrated, which may be a problem. I have been toting a 20 ounce (former) bottle of Vault (at least I think that's the name of it) that I got in NYC. I'm not hungry, but I am looking forward to those leftover onion rings and fries. I havent been depressed. Even with my problems in Miuchigan, I have always seen the light at the end of the tunnel, and that alone has made me happy. So, I'm really not sure what my problem is.

I will say that I do appreciate all the commentary and general chattiness I've gotten on this blog. I know I'm not oozing with charisma and energy, and I also know you still have no clue what I look like. I swear the latter will change soon. Meanwhile, I've uploaded all the pics I have that are worth uploading. A couple didn't turn out in small form, but if you click them, it'll all work out.

Once again, folks, thanks for welcoming me into your community of bloggers. You all are a neat breed.


Blogger Nadine said...

I do hope you'll sleep better 2night! So when do we get to see a picture of you?

16/4/06 05:21  
Blogger Cory said...

Ho boy. Hopefully tomorrow. That is unless my fingers got in the way of the pics.

16/4/06 09:42  

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