08 May 2006

new photos out of nowhere!

It's amazing what you find each time you routinely (let's hope!) clean your room. I have a tendency to put things in places that seem very logical at the time, but a few months later, when I am looking for that item, I cannot find it. And when I'm not looking for the item, there it is! Such is the case today. I was looking for some envelopes and stamps, and shazamm, I find a camera that I never got around to taking into the shop for development. As it turns out, I was going grocery shopping today anyhow, so I thought I'd give it a whack and turn the camera in. I wasn't expecting much at all, as I had waited for, I think, two years to get these done. I thought they'd be all grainy, as some pics are. Shows how much I know about photography. The only problem was my thumb, which ruined five or six of the photos. But if you want to see them, they have been uploaded here. They are all of Carnegie Mellon University, in Squirrel Hill, a Primarily Jewish neighborhood of Pittsburgh. I follow the women's soccer team here.

Not sure who the girl (or is it a guy?) whose shadow appeared in one pic, btw.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

shadow people rule

9/5/06 12:45  
Blogger Cory said...

And they listen to Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet, which makes 'em rule even harder, yo.

10/5/06 02:20  

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