19 September 2006

Just plain ugh.

Well, I checked into the pharmacy today and talked to them about my cold, describing it as basically a cold without a sore throat, and without much phlegm, but with a ton of coughing. I could also sense that the central part of my lung area was raw from coughing. So, that tells you it was a deep down cold. Well, still is. Last night was the worst. I woke up several times struggling to breathe, with that feeling that my lungs were quivering, rather than actively expanding and contracting like normal. I suppose it was a shallow form of hyperventilating. It felt like there was so much garbage in my lungs that I didn't have room to breathe in or out. I also felt a little bit panicky, and that could have explained my trouble with regulating my respiration. At about 3:00 am, I very seriously considered calling an ambulance. I'm not sure what caused me to give up on that idea. I guess I just felt like it would pass, and that it was anxiety more than anything. I decided to fool around on dA for a while, and after a while, I calmed down.

The previous night, I was down at CMU for a women's (and part of a men's) soccer match between CMU and Juniata College. Good fun to go down there and hang out in Squirrel Hill for a bit. Unfortunately, I was abandoned by my paratransit ride, probably as a result of my outbound driver trying to be more specific to the dispatcher than he needed to be. So, after an hour, I called, but didn't even get a machine. I tried several times with no result. I also tried three different numbers with the Spina Bifida Association, with whom I am a client for remote care. This included the remote care coordinator, but he didn't answer. I wound up leaving a somewhat panicked message about what happened, and my intent to call a cab. Only, calling a cab didn't work. I tried Yellow and Checker, several times, and both were overflowing with calls. So, finally, I walk over to the student info desk and surrender, having run out of ideas. The young woman who helped me said that it was time to cash in my chips and say that I had done all I could do, and let the police help me out. I awkwardly agreed and got on the phone with the dispatcher, explainng all the courses of action I had employed to get a ride home. They said that they were understaffed, but would do everything in their power to send someone over. Ten minutes on, three police deputies walked on in, two young women and a man about my age. I again took pains to explain my situation, and, without reservation, they arranged to take me home. I was first fitted into the back of a normal police car, but that didn't work because of the lack of leg room, so a "D-Car" (detective car), and away we finally were. The night ended on a good note. The police folks were sincere in their mission to help, and we made pleasant smalltalk along the way. It's just a drag that this probably kills a traditional activity I have espoused since I have moved here. It reinforces that I need to be careful in where I ambulate. Ironically, this is more true in my own city than all the other cities I have gone on weekend trips to. But also, no matter how prepared we can make ourselves, sometimes it is just not enough.

As for tonight, just watching TV (any recommendations for tonight?) and chugging cough syrup.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you best be laying off the spinach yo!

20/9/06 09:21  
Blogger Cory said...

Yeah. It made me hallucinate, and that is the REAL reason the coppers were called.

21/9/06 19:07  

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