21 October 2006

Rapid progression toward a meme

I got this meme from Laura, who got it from somebody else. I really haven't much to say. Kina is doing alright (rather graphic link), albeit extremely sore and wacked out on painkillers. I'm in and out of good respiratory standing. I think it is indeed pollen allergies, but I am going to try to get a throat culture done just to see what issues there are left. That's really all, so on to the meme, if that's OK with yunz.

If I was wise I’d be cleaning my room!

If something I’m eating drops on the floor I… tend to cast it aside, unless it's on a rug, then no problem usually.

My favorite breakfast cereal is… corn flakes.

If I were a cat, my name would be… Garfield, I guess.

When I was little I… was more trusting in others and myself.

This weekend I shall… watch the MLS playoffs. Go Rapids! Kick some FC Dallas hiney! Tonight at 9 eastern on FSC!


Blogger Cory said...

Heehee! Take that, frogmyblog.com!!! I'm good enough, smart enough, and somebody likes me! :)

28/10/06 01:08  

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